The Nest

The Nest

Miss Lewis, Mrs Divall, Mrs Stroud and Mrs Stubbins


The children will participate inactivities, based on priorities in their individual support plans and EHCP . They will also take part in our very popular weekly cooking session.

Curriculum work

This will be based on the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum objectives. In Science, we will focus our learning on “Taking Care of the Earth”. We will start our learning by describing different ways that we damage the Earth. Next, we will find out that there are natural and manufactured resources that people on Earth use. We will identify logging as a way of harvesting the Earth’s natural resources, we will find out that people create pollution which can harm the environment and learn that recycling means turning used things into something new.

In History, we will focus our learning on “Kings Queens and Leaders”. First, we will find out that the United Kingdom has been ruled by kings and queens for many years. Next, we will learn that King John I made an important promise to the people of England. Then, we will find out that a parliament was set up to make decisions for the country and learn that King Charles I did not want to listen to Parliament. We will conclude our project by learning that there was a time when England did not have a king.

In Thrive, we will continue to focus our learning on “Feeling Safe”. We will think about expressing or naming a range of different feelings and expressing preferences to different stimuli. Some of us, will be learning how to respond appropriately to visual cues from others’ facial expressions or gestures. We will continue to think about asking for help when we need it. 

In RE, we will think about our big question “Why do Christians pray to God and worship him?” We will find out that Christians pray in different ways and that Christians go to church to tell God how great He is.

We will find out that Christians believe that:

·       God is with them, listening when they want to talk to him. 

·       God is like the best kind of parent. They can talk to him about everything. 

·       Jesus taught his disciples to pray by teaching them The Lord’s prayer.

Our Early Years and younger children, will be listening to “The Enormous Turnip”. We will describe the characters and setting and re-tell the stories using made puppets and pictures. In Maths, the children will continue to engage with activities that draw attention to the purpose of counting. We will revisit the concept of 1:1 correspondence by making sure that the children match collections of objects to their representations. They will develop their understanding of the concept of cardinality – that the last number in the count tells us ‘how many’ things there are altogether and they will begin to apply this concept to count more abstract things, such as claps and jumps.



  • Arrive at the Nest – settling in time and calming activities 
  • Sensory Circuits – we will go outside or in the hall for this and will complete our circuits based on sequencing and calming activities
  • Breakfast and a good opportunity for the children to share their news and help with jobs in the classroom.
  • Adult tasks (based on the above activities) /independent learning time/breaks. There will be snack time.
  • Singing, story and lunch time prayer
  • Lunch in the Nest and then outside to play


  • Sensory Circuits or Yoga
  • Adult tasks (based on the above activities) /independent time/breaks. 
  • End of day singing, story and prayer

Some children will be on part time timetables or transitioning to other classes. We will discuss this with you.


  • Children need to read as much as possible at home. This should be at least three times a week. 
  • Children will be expected to take part in adult based tasks. 
  • Snacks – if you want to send your child with a snack, they will only need 1 healthy snack a day. We do have fruit for the children in the Nest. 
  • Drink Bottles – please only send water.









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