Miss Lewis, Mrs Divall, Mrs Stroud and Mrs Stubbins
The children will participate in ADPR based activities, taken from the children’s plans. They will also take part in our very popular weekly cooking session.
Curriculum work
This will be based on Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum objectives. In Science, we will focus our learning on "Seasons and the Weather". We will start our learning by naming and describing the four seasons. We will find out about some different tools which are used to gather information about the weather. We will present data about the weather using a graph and find out that there are different types of cloud. We will conclude our Science learning by understanding that weather forecasts help people to prepare for different kinds of weather.
In Geography, we will focus our learning on "The United Kingdom". We will start by learning that the United Kingdom is a union of four countries. We will find out that Scotland is located to the north of England, that the Scottish flag is called the St Andrew’s flag and is blue with a white cross, that there are mountains and valleys in Wales, that Cardiff is the capital of Wales, that Northern Ireland is one of the countries in the United Kingdom, that the capital city of Northern Ireland is Belfast, that the capital city of England is London and that coastline is an area where the land meets the sea.
In Art, we will focus our learning on "Architecture". We will start our learning by finding out that architecture is the art of designing buildings. We will learn that buildings are built for a purpose and that architects design different features which have different purposes. We will continue our learning to find out that buildings are designed for a purpose, that Architects need to think about the purpose of a building when they design it and that the penguin house at London Zoo did not fit the purpose for which it was designed.
In Thrive, we will focus our learning on "Feeling Safe". We will think about expressing or naming a range of different feelings and expressing preferences to different stimuli. Some of us, will be learning how to respond appropriately to visual cues from others’ facial expressions or gestures. We will continue to think about asking for help when we need it.
Our Early Years and younger children, will be listening to “Harry and His Bucketful of Dinosaurs”. We will describe the characters and setting and re-tell the stories using made puppets and pictures. We will think about where the dinosaurs might go for their next adventure.
We will continue to develop our counting skills. We will use the idea of comparison to say which group has more than or fewer than for the number of objects. We will move on to composition where we will look at the concept of wholes and parts and then investigate the composition of the numbers 3,4 and 5.
· Arrive at the Nest – settling in time and calming activities
· Sensory Circuits – we will go outside or in the hall for this and will complete our circuits based on sequencing and calming activities
· Breakfast and a good opportunity for the children to share their news and help with jobs in the classroom.
· Most of the rest of the morning will be based on adult tasks (based on the above activities) /independent learning time/breaks. There will be snack time.
· Singing, Story and Lunch time prayer
· Lunch
· Eat in the Nest
· Outside to play
· Registration afternoons
· Sensory Circuits – this will be the same circuit as the morning.
· Most of the rest of the afternoon will be based on adult tasks (based on the above activities) /independent time/breaks.
· There will be snack time.
· End of day singing, story and prayer
Some children will be on part time timetables or transitioning to other classes. We will discuss this with you.
· Children need to read as much as possible at home. This should be at least three times a week.
· Children will be expected to take part in adult based tasks.
· Snacks – if you want to send your child with a snack, they will only need 1 healthy snack a day. We do have fruit for the children in the Nest.
· Drink Bottles – please only send water.
Weeting CofE Primary School
Tel: 01842 810587
Email: weeting@trinitypartnership.norfolk.sch.uk
School Address:
Main Road, Weeting, Norfolk, IP27 0QQ
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