Children can have a school meal or bring a packed lunch of their own
We provide nutritious and healthy school meals which are cooked onsite and have a range of options each day including jacket potatoes, a hot meal choice and pasta dish. You can order these via our easy to use My Child At School app. If you would like to check your availability for free school meals please visit Norfolk County Council here or ask at the school office for a form.
Our school meals are cooked at our partner school, Duchy of Lancaster Primary School, and they provide a well-balanced, wholesome and good value meal. The price of a school lunch is currently £2.75 per day. Please order and pay for your child's lunch using the My Child At School (MCAS) app.
We encourage children to try out different meals and to help with this we have included a copy of the 3 week rolling menu below so that you can share this with your child as you make your lunch choices together.
You are eligible if you are in receipt of the following:
All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal under the government’s Universal Infant Free School Meal scheme.
Packed lunches should be brought to school in a strong container with your child’s name on it. Soft drinks need to be in a suitable plastic container. Fizzy or sugar drinks are not allowed. Water is available for all children.
Mid Morning Snacks
We encourage children to bring a healthy snack. Fruit/vegetables are provided for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Milk is provided free for all children until their 5th birthday; you are welcome to order milk at a discounted price after this. Please speak to a member of staff in the office for more details.
All children have access to drinking water throughout the day. They may bring a named ‘sports’ bottle in from home to keep on their class lunch trolley.
We have a number of children in school who are highly allergic to nuts and seeds. Please DO NOT include these items in your child’s packed lunch or snack. This can be in any form, including peanut butter and most chocolate spreads. Please ask at the office should you require clarification.
You can apply online for free school meals using your Norfolk Education Online (NEO) account. You can use the same account for 2-year-old childcare funding and school admissions.
You can also download and send us an application form or collect it from your child's school.
Families with British National (Overseas) status and families with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) are entitled to apply for free school meals by completing the NRPF free school meals application.
Apply for NRPF free school meals.
Weeting CofE Primary School
Tel: 01842 810587
School Address:
Main Road, Weeting, Norfolk, IP27 0QQ
DEMAT Office Address:
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