Acorn Class

Acorn Class

Mica, Jemma, Sian, Nicci, Becca and Mandy

This term in Acorn class we will be welcoming some new children and supporting them with this transition as they explore their new learning environment, meeting and developing friendships with our current Acorn children and adults. Over the first few weeks to help children with their Personal, Social and Emotional Development we will be reminding and introducing to our new friends, our classroom rules, discussing why these are important and continuing to remind the children of these throughout the term. We will also be focusing on the story "The Colour Monster" to help the children learn about the emotions they can feel, as well as why we might feel these emotions.

In our Literacy we will be exploring our core text "The Gruffalo" by Julia Donaldson. The children will be exploring the characters through different activities, sequencing the story while using props and pictures. The children will learn new vocabulary as we read and explore the story during circle times and focused activities. The children will be learning 2 core rhymes closely linked to our core book "The Gruffalo" and our theme this half term "All About Me" - "Head, shoulders, knees and toes". These rhymes will be sent home for children to share with their families and also to become more familiar with them.

In Maths we will have activities that focus on comparison, using vocabulary such as more than, fewer than, same. We will be exploring shape, space and measure, repeating patterns and counting.

To support the children's development of their gross motor skills we will be encouraging ball skills; throwing, catching and kicking. Alongside this they will be learning how to use push along toys, ride on scooters, pedal bikes, balance using our stepping stones, walk along balance beams as well as hopping and holding a pose of standing on one leg. We will be encouraging independence - putting on coats and fastening them, which will support the children's development of their fine motor skills. We will also be working on pencil control and using scissors correctly, safely and independently.

In Art we will be creating some Gruffalo inspired makes, exploring primary colours, painting with them, making large marks on our outside easel and inside on large paper. The children will also be looking a piece of artwork titled "The Snail" by French artist Henri Matisse, and creating their own versions of this.

During circle times we will be exploring percussion instruments and singing our core rhymes.

Please upload any photos and comments from learning at home onto your child's Tapestry learning journal.

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